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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How To Get Whatever You Want In spite Of All Obstacles!

Here is the power which will enable you to succeed-to get whatever you want in spite of all obstacles. IT is the Power of Believing! Without it, you are doomed to constant failure. With it, your success is assured-you will get whatever you want. The power of believing will: Enable you be whatever you want to be. What you are helps determine what you get. Enable you to do whatever you want to do. What you do helps determine what you get. Enable you to have whatever you want to have intensely believe and receive. On what authority can one make such statements? All Holy Books, Holy scriptures of all of the great religions, past and present, and all of the greatest thinkers, philosophers and psychologists throughout the entire history of mankind. Study the great religions and you will find the one thing they all have in common is the need for and the power of intensely believing. Buddha taught, '' All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Confucius taught, ''The way of a superior man is three-fold: virtuous, he is free from anxieties; wise, he is free from perplexities; bold, he is free from fear.' Through this wisdom of that great thinker runs the golden thread of intense belief. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. All things are possible to him who believes. This is the teaching of all religions. All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Here is Universal power in your own hands. You can be what you want to be, you can achieve what you want to achieve, by intensely believing, that we can. Then right now let us all intensely believe our world will be safer and peaceful. Spread love and kind words from your gadgets, computers to all.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my heart, i remember things too easily forgotten: The purity of early love, The maturity of early love, The maturity of unselfish love that asks desires......nothing but another's good, The idealism that has persisted through all the tempest of life. When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my heart, I can find a quiet assurance, an inner peace, in the core of my being. It can face the doubt, the loneliness the anxiety. When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my heart, I can sense, my basic humanity, And then I know that all men and women are my brothers and sisters. Nothing but my own fear and distrust can separate me from the love of friends. If i can trust others, accept them, enjoy them, Then my life shall surely be richer and more full. If i can accept others, this will help them to be more truly themselves, And they will be more able to accept me. Personalize and see yourself in the mirror.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Mortimer Adler has taught us that we are all philosophers. We all think-well or sloppily, enthusiastically or inattentively. The slightest sense perception- a falling leaf, a twinkling star, a smiling child- awakens our minds as well as arousing our feelings, and forces us to ask: Why? What? Whence? Whither? ''If there is some end of things we do......will not knowledge of it, have a great influence on life? Shall we not, like archers who have a mark to aim at be more likely to hit upon what we should? If so, we must try, in outline at least, to determine what it is, Aristole. Every art and every inquiry and similarly every action and choice, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim, Aristole. Our world, Our time, Our challenge, Together we gonna make it better than we found. God Bless us!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


When we think of consciousness in our lives, we tend to think just of the mundane level of consciousness-''maintaining and even strain.'' as they say in the military. The fact is, though, that our real inner selves are much better than the even strain we're trying to kee. A really developed consciousness is more stable, more relaxed, and more alert than this; but since an even strain all we know, we're reluctant to give it up. We're afraid to give up the sense of well-being and satisfaction we have now, even though it's flawed, for a changed perspective on consciousness that we're afraid may not be as good. Every aspect of the body type health program is designed to replace a type of awareness that is dependent on compulsive, repetitive bad habits(bad nutrition, over or underexercise, stress, chronic fatigue, etc.) with a sense of well-being that is more stable and permanent. It does this through the use of techniques to improve the functioning, synergy, entrainment, and intergration of mind, brain and body. Without this stable sense of inner well-being, longevity and perfect health are out of the question. With it, they open up possibilities in an entirely new way.

The Gonadal Type Ideal

Your shape is unique, distinctive, your own. You're supposed to have a curvy rear end. It's attractive, so stop slamming it against the wall. Do you want to look like a twelve year old boy? You look like a woman, and you should appreciate yourself in that light. The perfect-looking G-type woman is quite small above the waist and more solid-looking below. Your waist is always pronounced and remains small even if you put on a lot of weight. Your stomach, too, stays quite flat. If you feel you have a pronounced rear but aren't sure if you're a T-type or a G-type, look at your stomach. If it stays flat whether you lose or gain, you're a G-type. G-type breasts are small but hormonally active. You can feel it in the tissue: it has a very distinctive contour. Both your chest and cup size are small, but your breasts don't feel childish or baby-fat, like the small breasts of P-type women. You have pronounced nipple glands. Your key words for health and beauty are purification and upward motion of energy. By purification i mean that you need to overcome your body's tendency to become congested and fail to throw off impurities. The thyroid is in charge of this kind of elimination, so a big part of your balancing strategy is to encourage thyroid activity in your system.upward motion of energy is a concept that includes stimulating your pituitary for better balance, moving your system away from passivity, encouraging better circulation and improving your mind-body coordination.

My wish for you

Walk tall like the trees, live your life as strong as the mountains, be as soft as the spring breezes, keep the warmth of the sun in your heart and the great spirit will always be with you. When you're lonely, i wish you love. When you're down, i wish you joy. When you're troubled, i wish you peace. When thinks are complicated, i wish you simple beauty. When things look empty, i wish you hope.

Listen To The Exhortation Of The Dawn

Listen to the exhortation of the dawn! Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course lie all the verities and Realities of your existence. The bliss of growth. The glory of action. The splendor of beauty, For yesterday is but a dream, and to-morrow is only a vision . But to day well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn! Kalidasa.


By the choices and acts of our lives we create the person that we are and the faces that we wear. By the choices and acts of our lives we give to the world where in our lives are lived. '' In life many thoughts are born in the course of a moment, an hour, a day. Some are dreams, some visions, often, we are unable to distinguish between them, to some, they are the same, however, not all dreams are visions, much energy is lost in fanciful dreams that never bear fruit. But visions are messages from the great spirit, each for a different purpose in life. Consequently one person's vision may not be that of another. To have a vision, one must be prepared to receive it, and when it comes to accept. Thus when these inner urges become reality, only when can visions be fulfilled. The spiritual side of life knows everyone's heart and who to trust. How could a vision ever be given to someone to harbor if that person could not be trusted to carry it out. The message is simple, commitment precedes vision. Nex article on body type con.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


The G-type woman is highly distinctive, but in some ways every woman has some gonadal-type characteristics. In the years from puberty to the menopause, every woman's metabolism is deeply influenced by the ovaries, the female sex glands, and can not help acquiring some G-type characteristics. Female sex hormones are among the most powerful chemicals in the system, as witnessed by the fact that some women are all but enslaved by the vicissitudes of the menstrual cycle. In fact, these are the ones that first come to mind when we say the word 'hormone'. But for the gonadal-type woman, the influence of these powerful hormones sets the tone and style of her entire metabolism, and gives her a set of unique physiological characteristics. G-type women have the most distinct appearance of all body types and are the easiest to recognize. The key area is their derriere. The G-type metabolism is the steadiest of all body types in the sense that it gives out energy in a controlled, persistent way. It's the body's way of asserting that mothering is a full-time and serious occupation. Your system is well designed for the rigors of childbearing and nursing, activities that require more physical reserves than any other natural event. The storage of fat in the rear end is specifically for this purpose. As you probably know, if your body drops below a certain percentage of fat, you will stop menstruating (as sometimes happens to women athletes in strict training). This occurs because a certain level of fat needs to be held in reserve before your body feels confident enough to conceive. If you're not a mother, or if you also work at an outside job, your G-type metabolism extends these natural qualities into the workplace. You're steady, helpful, magnetic, a reliable team player, and you take responsibility as a matter of course. Because of the steadiness of your metabolism, you have the hardest time of anybody type in starting to lose weight if you are overweight. But once you get started, you lose weight comfortably and steadily; and when you reach your ideal weight, you keep it. Where thyroid types will tend to balloon up quickly, and drop weight quickly, you maintain your weight, whatever it may be. This is another way your G-type steadiness shows itself.


When a P-type becomes perfectly developed and achieves balanced functioning, he or she is really unbeatable. Many P-types seem to believe that their best bet is to write off the body and concentrate on the mind. You know-never get undressed in puplic, wear shoes and socks on the beach, play aerobic chess. But this is not the way to go. If you can get every part of your system to work-body as well as mind- you can acquire a physical glow to match the mental and spiritual one you already have. The P-type body at its best is supple and flexible, and keeps a youthful appearance far longer than calendar years would suggest. You have very fine hair, delicate hands and feet, and a slender, well-shaped body. With the right diet p-type women can have a shape, although they will never have the sensual roundness of an adrenal type or the sharp voluptuous curves of a thyroid type. P-type women have small, childlike budding breasts, with a smooth, nongrainy texture, not actually like the breasts tissue in women of other types.But with your radiant P-type glow, you have your own brand of sexuality that is every bit as attractive. Just picture an angel with sexuality-that can be you. Your key words key words for ideal development are integration of mind and body. You need to get that energy out of your head-not to become merely physical, but to intergrate your physical nature with your excellent mind. When you do, you get the best of both worlds-the excellent P-type intellect with a beautifully functioning and coordinated body. You will leave people with the impression that you know more than you do. When your whole system works together, you really are the man or woman of the future. The P-type Health program will make it happen for you. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The p-type in the fast-food place was the one who ordered the milk shake. P-types are no different from other types in that they try to get their tranquil alertness through foods that stimulate their dominant gland. Dairy products are pituitary stimulants, and when you p-types are tired or stressed and want to feel better you usually reach for something that will give you the kind of energy you're most used to-the cool, detached energy of the pituitary gland. Your downfall are foods like yogurt and ice cream, for these foods act to overstimulate your pituitary and leave your other glands underactive. What happens when your dominant gland is overstimulated is that you become too pituitary, and this means that you don't take the care you should take of your body. A dangerous detachment is created, and you don't pay nearly the attention to your physical liabilities that you should. For example, if your digestion is weak( as it often is), you ignore it; you decide that probably everyone feels slightly nauseous or has gas after eating. Your sexual function may also be weak, but again, you think that everyone's really like you, just pretending to be interested in sex. Rather than doing something about these physical problems, you tend to ignore them and just 'think about something else'. Allergies are common in p-types-often extreme allergies, the sort of situation where almost anything can set off a reaction. This is partly a result of the weak adrenal function, and partly just an effect of p-type detachment. You can get so out of touch with the outside world that your body just doesn't know how to react. Allergy is a sort of furious rejection and denial of the world. Frequent colds are another result of your neglect of the body. Another related problem is mental obsession. Your mind goes round and round on some problem- and because there's rarely any action taken which might resolve the situation, the obsession just goes on and on. This can be a truly debilitating situation for many pituitary types. To con.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


If i have been of service, if i have glimpsed more of the nature and essense of ultimate good, if i am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if i am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day. "Reverence for life affords me fundamental principal of morality, namely that good consists in maintaining, assisting, and enhancing life and that to destroy harm or hinder life is evil. Affirmation of the world .... that is affirmation of the will to live, which appears in phenomenal forms all around only possible for me in that i give my self out for other life" A. SCHWEITZER. " The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.....The ordinary objects of human endeavor, A. Einsten.


Which is the ideal body type? Ideal would be a pituitary type-as long as he or she had good, strong functioning from all the other glands. The balanced p-type looks like the person of the future-with a large head, clear face, and healthy body. This p-type would be a lively, intelligent person, with all the fluid curiosity of a young child. He or she would also have the flash and creativity of a thyroid type, the power of an adrenal type, and all the warmth and sensuality of a gonadal type. Sounds terrific, don't you think? But for this ideal to be realized, all the glands, not just the pituitary, need to be developed. What happens more often is that the pituitary is strong, but the other glands aren't well developed at all. The typical P-type is all pituitary: the curiosity and lively intelligence are there, along with a head that is characteristically just a bit bigger than usual and a rather childish-looking body, but the qualities that come from the other glands just aren't there. Many P-types give the impression that they live in their heads only, with the body existing mainly to carry the head around. P-types are relatively rare in the United States-in many experience only ten percent of the population or less-and there seem to be even fewer women in this body type than men. Yet the p-types are memorable people. There's always something unusual, elusive, and intriguing about them. They're always ready for a deep discussion of the nature of life and invariably have an opinion to offer, no matter how abstract the topic. You p-types are the ones who listen to other people's emotional crises, but never seem to have one of your own. You're highly imaginative and can picture yourself doing anything in the world-as long as it doesn't involve leaving your room. If and when you do finally step out into the world of action, what you do is often very unsual. You are, in short, very interesting people. The world might be a better place if it had more people in it like you. Why, then, are P-types such a rarity? Business and sports are highly adrenal, communication and the arts are extremely thyroidal, and most of advertising works directly on the gonads. Maybe its because pituitary ideas are so potent. The creative thought of one P-type computer designer, say, creates work for a thousand A-type salespeople and T-type entrepreneurs and changes everybody's life while doing it.


Once you've closed this window of vulnerability, you will enjoy the full value of your body that's built to last. You've got strong arms and very good legs, a compact, solid torso, and a squarish head with a round or square face. Your skin has good color, and being generally a bit oilier than T-type skin it wears well and is not particularly inclined to wrinkles. Your hair is strong and has good body. Adrenal-type men have a tendency to become bald, in a very virile and attractive way. A-type men look very masculine, in the style of football rather than basketball players. You have well-muscled arms and legs, a solid body, not much of a waist, a rounded rear end. Adrenal-type women-with large, rounded breasts, flat rears, and great leg legs-are classically voluptuous and often the envy of their friends. You don't have a very emphasized waist, but tend to taper more from chest to hips. The flatness of the rear is your characteristic tip-off, for no other body type has this feature. In personality, the same power and warmth that your body has in such abundance shine through in your personal vividness and strength. And you can learn enjoy change, to take easier, and have all the flexibility and liveliness that any one could ask. You're an A-type for life, but you don't have to be totally 'type A. You can have it all without over-doing-with the A-type Health Program.


T-types may go home after work and be too tired to cook, but you A-types will go home hungry and with the energy to cook yet another heavy, meaty, salty meal. The result: you can get not only fat, but amazingly obese, and because you have the energy to carry it, you can fool yourself into thinking that there's nothing wrong with the way you are. On the contrary, an all-too-common sight in a doctor's office is the overweight,overtired adrenal type, whether man or woman, who is suffering from high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, and diabetes. Because one of the functions of adrenal hormones is to raise the blood pressure and the blood sugar, and because both your high-salt and high-fat diet and your generally high-pressure lifestyle encourages this response, you A-types are prone to get diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, and also diabetes- a serious combination. Picture, if you will, an A-type in his or her mid-thirties to forties. A solid frame carries what i call 'hard fat' in a 'beer belly' in front and another layer across the back and neck. From the inside the person is 'larded', like rich meat. The face is rather flushed-looking, perhaps with a few broken veins in the nose or cheeks. The energy is still high, but there's and an underlying sense of fatigue or strain, and a sense that the person is somehow about to burst. It even makes sense for you to be a vegetarian if you wish-for your body type this diet works beautifully. These dietary changes will immediately lighten up your excessive adrenal function, and you'll start to look and feel better right away.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


The problem with your system, oddly enough, is that in a way you're too steady, too powerful, too balanced. Like a diesel truck, once you get going you like to keep going. Once you start eating, you don't like to stop. Once you lose your temper and start shouting, you like to keep on until everyone around you is thoroughly cowed(adrenal hormones are the instigators of 'fight or flight' reaction, and on the whole,fight is your preference) Once you get into a project at work, you hate to come home- and once you start partying and drinking, you hate to quit. Your system is given to excess, and because you are so strong you think you can take anything. You almost can-but not quite. Remember the movie North Dallas Forty about professional football? It gave almost a textbook illustration of adrenal types driving themselves on and on, to and past the point of exhaustion and collapse, absorbing and ignoring punishment. The adrenal type we last saw taking a fast-food break was having a double burger and, in her heart, looking rather askance at the thyroid who had just ordered coffee and a Danish. The A-type was thinking that her T-type colleague was having something unhealthy, just as a 'pick-me-up, whereas she, the A-type, was having something healthy and nourishing. This is just an amusing self-delusion; nothing could be further from the truth. The hamburger is just as much an adrenal stimulator as the carbohydrates and caffeine are thyroid stimulants, and the A-type is doing exactly the same thing to her body with meat and salt as the T-type does with coffee and sweets. Both are using their own chemical pathways to get the brain/mind effect they want. The desired effect of arousal with calmness is the same-only the stimulant they use is different. In both cases, they are using food to stimulate the dominant gland. But whereas the thyroid type stimulates the thyroid, which then collapses into fatigue and exhaustion, the adrenal type stimulates the adrenals, which keep on pumping out the power and creating more and more appetite. In each case the punishing effect on the body is disregarded while yot concentrate on the way the food makes you feel. This is truly the drug effect of food. To con: