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Sunday, April 4, 2010


Which is the ideal body type? Ideal would be a pituitary type-as long as he or she had good, strong functioning from all the other glands. The balanced p-type looks like the person of the future-with a large head, clear face, and healthy body. This p-type would be a lively, intelligent person, with all the fluid curiosity of a young child. He or she would also have the flash and creativity of a thyroid type, the power of an adrenal type, and all the warmth and sensuality of a gonadal type. Sounds terrific, don't you think? But for this ideal to be realized, all the glands, not just the pituitary, need to be developed. What happens more often is that the pituitary is strong, but the other glands aren't well developed at all. The typical P-type is all pituitary: the curiosity and lively intelligence are there, along with a head that is characteristically just a bit bigger than usual and a rather childish-looking body, but the qualities that come from the other glands just aren't there. Many P-types give the impression that they live in their heads only, with the body existing mainly to carry the head around. P-types are relatively rare in the United States-in many experience only ten percent of the population or less-and there seem to be even fewer women in this body type than men. Yet the p-types are memorable people. There's always something unusual, elusive, and intriguing about them. They're always ready for a deep discussion of the nature of life and invariably have an opinion to offer, no matter how abstract the topic. You p-types are the ones who listen to other people's emotional crises, but never seem to have one of your own. You're highly imaginative and can picture yourself doing anything in the world-as long as it doesn't involve leaving your room. If and when you do finally step out into the world of action, what you do is often very unsual. You are, in short, very interesting people. The world might be a better place if it had more people in it like you. Why, then, are P-types such a rarity? Business and sports are highly adrenal, communication and the arts are extremely thyroidal, and most of advertising works directly on the gonads. Maybe its because pituitary ideas are so potent. The creative thought of one P-type computer designer, say, creates work for a thousand A-type salespeople and T-type entrepreneurs and changes everybody's life while doing it.

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