To socialize and interact to face the challenges of our time

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We live in two worlds:1, the sensible world of the common perceptual objects that we move around and use in various ways and 2. The intelligible world of ideas the common objects of thought that we can not touch with our bodies or perceive with our senses, but as thinking individuals, we can discuss with one another, where each and every proposition is put into lightful thought of scrutiny, to check its sensibility on the mind.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Does some end of things we do knowledge of it to have an impact or influence on lives? If not,why? If yes how? The human mind differs only in superficial respects from one time or culture to another, there fore common sense persons concur in thinking, that human mind is the same the whole world over not only all times and places but also in spite of the diversity of languages and cultures- that there exists a reality that is independent of our minds, that we have mind that enable us to know and understand that reality which being independent of our minds, is the same reality for all of us and that our human experience of that independent reality has enough in common for all of us that we are able to talk intelligible about it to one another. Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, socializing and interacting today to better tomorrow is a success. Things that each of us in his or her mind in commonality creates collective resolve to face the challenges of our time and broaden understandings to better common good.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


can situational hitches caused by demand of time and the choice of life style under the same prevailing circumstances be the best measure of an individual's ability on unutilized opportunity? When we live-we lives the lives/ when we lives we touch the souls.You and i possess within ourselves at every moment under all cicumstances the power to transform the quality of our lives and those around us.Let us continue with the endevour as it matters for all and to all-we mean the flow- the streams of ideas from all as counter productive and beneficial. The resultant forms what we can term the association of ideas to better.

Monday, November 28, 2011


1. Eagles fly alone.2.Eagles possess vision-have ability to be aware of everything but do nothing. 3.Eagles eat life food. 4.Eagles taste before they trust. 5.Eagles love storms. 6.Eagles invest in trainig others.7.Eagles rejuvenate.Information leads to understanding-understnding leads to clarity-clarity leads to power.