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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


While T-types are all over the place going from idea to idea. A-types concentrate on one thought and carry it from idea to actuality. Powderful and consistent, steady , even, and often inflexible, the adrenal type dominates his or her world by sheer persistence-and enjoys every minute of it, as well. The metabolism of this body type is dominated by the adrenal glands -plural, because there are two, one located on top of each kidney. These small glands, no bigger than two lima beans, are the most powerful glands in the system and the ones with the most diverse roles to play in the metabolism. The various chemicals secreted by the adrenals, which go by the general name of adrenal hormones, perform many functions. They assist the liver in the manufacture of glycogen, a reserve form of blood sugar, which is later brought into the bloodstream by the thyroid gland. They assist the kidneys in purifying the 'internal ocean' of bodily fluids. They control the formation of fat and muscle, and affect the balance between them. The adrenal hormones stimulate the appetite, raise the blood pressure, and give a sense of power and fullness to the body. You couldn't survive more than a few days without them. In short, the adrenals are the glands of balance, power, and steadiness of energy, and the characteristics of the adrenal type come from these qualities of their dominant gland.


The adrenal type carries through with ideas, where the thyroid type initiates projects and then loses interest. When a thyroid type is already fatigued from a burst of creativity, the adrenal type is just getting started and will see possibilities in a project that the thyroid type never suspected. A philosopher once said that people are either foxes or hedgehogs: foxes know many things and hedgehogs know one big thing. If this is so, then adrenal types are hedgehogs and T-types are foxes.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The difference between thyroid types and adrenal types is one on which the world turns. The two types are utterly different, yet they balance one another; and whether in work or play, they need each other for a sense of completeness. Adrenal types are the steadiest, hardest workers in the world-and so hearty and warm that everyone gathers around them after work to joke, relax, and talk about food ball. They're the first ones to show up in the morning and the last to leave at night, and if their families sometimes complain that they never see them-well, that's part of what it means to love an adrenal type. At play, adrenal types are ready, willing and able whatever you have in mind. They have a digestion like a coal furnace and an appetite for all things; and since they need less sleep than any other type, they always feel the night is young and inviting. Take a camping vacation with an A-type, if you get the chance. They'll pack the car, do most of the driving, set up the tent, and get the campfire going. Later, in the bed, they're the ones everybody wants to be close-their bodies give out heat on the coldest night and will always keep your feet warm too! To con.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


They're energetic and lethargic, creative and destructive, confident and insecure, upbeat, downbeat, and dead beat by turns.They're thyroid types, and if you're one of them, you know it. The thyroid type has a metabolism that is dominated by the thyroid gland, the gland located at the base of the throat just above the notch you can feel in the front of the breast bone. The thyroid gland is in charge of the function of the metabolism called oxidation-the burning of food in the tissues. It works by secreting chemicals called thyroid hormones into the blood stream. The amount of thyroid hormone secreted by this gland, and how it acts in the cells, are what determine the rate at which the body burns its food. Thyroid hormones also control the flow of energy from the liver to the blood. The liver is the body's store house of glycogen, storage form of blood sugar and it releases it into the blood when directed to do so by thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones also act to increase the heart rate and improve muscle to tone. What this means is that the thyroid gland is the gland of quick, lively energy. It is the gland of speed, of the burst of activity as opposed to the sustained flow. It is the gland of the sprinter, not the long-distance runner. It is capable of remarkable output, but the gland, and the body type it produces, require a period of recovery after each energy burst. These are the characteristics of the person whose system is dominated by the thyroid gland.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


He's dynamo of energy in the office from nine until ten-thirty; then he's a wreck until he's had another cup of coffee. She's brilliant, witty, and lively until three in the morning, but the next day she's too depressed to get out of bed. He's one of those people who can eat anything in the world and never gain an ounce-until the day comes when he gains forty-five pounds in three months and you hardly recognize him. She's the oveweight lady whose face and hands are slender and delicate, and whose energy, concentrated to the point of hysteria, defies you look at her below the neck. To continue....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Your Family and Their Differences

If you and your spouse have different body types, you'll be able to plan your health proprams so that you both get what you need. And if you have the same body type, you'll be able to avoid reinforcing one another's weaknesses. Families of all thyroid types eating thyroid stimulants together, getting more and more wired on sugar and coffee until they all crash. Adrenal-type families growing obese and dull together on huge meals of meat, potatoes, and gravy. But this can be avoided. If you know your body types, you can all counteract your body-type vulnerabilities together and grow stronger and healthier as a family. Your kids can benefit, too. Let's say you have two children: one adrenal and pituitary type. If you know what this means, you'll have the information you need to help them both do well in everything, from sports to school to perfect health. You'll also be able to let them know why you treat them individually-as opposed to constantly dealing with, ''pam had a milk shake after school, why can't i? Children love knowing their body type; it's part of their sense of individuality. And because their minds are so quick, with a little practice they often become better at picking out body types than you are! Next: What if you aren't fat?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Body Type Health Strategies

The concept of windows of vulnerability helps explain what we want to accomplish for each body type. Since each has a characteristic pattern of imbalance and a tendency to overuse the dominant gland, the goal of the body type health strategies is to remove the imbalance -to balance the metabolism and increase its power and efficiency. There are many ways to accomplish this, nutrition is the cornestone of the process; with the foods you eat, you can reduce stimulation of your dominant gland, support and strenghten your less-active glands, and build a healthier and more balanced body. There are many other stratepies that you can use as well. The right exercise, nutritional supplements, and stress reduction techniques, along with the precise preventive medicine programs for your own needs , are all part of a total health plan that will work for you. But before designing your health plan, have a better idea of what a body type really is. What it means to be a gonadal type, what being a thyroid type feels like, what life is for a pituitary or adrenal type. Each in details later.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Inefficiences:The Body Type Windows Of Vulnerability

Let's go back for a moment to that fast-food restaurant. You watched each one of the four people order a food that stimulated his or her dominant gland. This tendency -which we all share-to eat foods that stimulate our dominant gland is the basis of inefficiency in the system and produces what is called 'windows of vulnerability' for each body type. A window of vulnerability develops through over-stimulation of the dominant gland. What happens is that, through over use of stimulating foods, tendencies belonging to the dominant gland become too emphasized or 'fixed' in the system. Your body actually develops 'habits' of functioning that are hard to break. For example, one of the effects of adrenal hormones is to raise the blood pressure as part of the 'fight or flight' response. If you're an adrenal type, you rely on adrenal energy in times of stress or fatigue. When you stimulate your adrenals with meat or salty foods, your adrenals raise your blood pressure more than is appropriate in a balanced system. Your body tends then to fall into the habit of hypertension. In medicine, the development of this habit of the body has a name, 'labile hypertension' (labile means changeable) is the name used while hypertension is developing and the blood pressure is still bouncing up and down. Later when the pattern is fixed, it is called 'essential hypertension', meaning in part that it has become an essential feature, a regular habit of the body. Each of the body types has a tendency to develop such habits, which become the characteristic body-type window of vulnerability. If you're a thyroid type, to take another example, the overstimulation of the thyroid gland leads to a habit of too much effective thyroid hormone. Many thyroid types develop skin problems or irritation of the bowels in this way. Windows of vulnerability can also lead to fixed habits of thought. We get used to relying on a certain style of responding -T-types try to solve everything with a burst of flighty ideas, A-types react with too much stubbornness in situations where stubbornness doen't help at all, P-types try to think their way out when some honest emotion would be better, G-types try to mother everyone and end up smothering instead. A fixed mental habit, in other words, is as serious a window of vulnerability as a fixed physical reaction. Another window of vulnerability for each type develops through underactivity of the nondominant glands. Adrenal types, for instance,usually have fairly underactive thyroid glands, and thyroid hormone is needed to regulate blood cholesterol levels. Just as there is a window of vulnerability of hypertension from to much adrenal activity, there's a potential for elevated blood cholesterol related to low thyroid levels. To continue-

Monday, March 22, 2010

Getting Restful Alertness Without Stimulation

All of the four people in the restaurant were affected by the experience of the stressful meeting, and the stress had affected them in characteristic ways. It made the P-type feel spaced-out and anxious; the T-type was nervous and irritable; the A-type felt aggravated and ready to jump down someone's throat, and the G-type felt vaguely frustrated. Naturally, they all wanted to get back to restful alertness- but the way they chose to do it, through stimulating their dominant gland, was totally wrong. What you don't need, in this situation, is more stress to your system. And eating foods which stimulate your dominant gland(a gland that is already tired from the stress of the meeting), is not at all helpful. What you can do, instead, is to choose foods that nourish and gently stimulate a different gland, not your dominant one, so that your system improves in balance and receives less stress. The thyroid type could get to the state of mind he wants more effectively by choosing an adrenal stimulant-an egg sandwich, for instance-rather than a thyroid stimulant like coffee and a sweet. Instead of pumping up his dominant thyroid for one more push, he could stimulate his adrenals in a gentle way to give him steadier energy throughout the afternoon. The adrenal type can do the same thing by choosing a pituitary stimulant instead of an adrenal stimulant-a milk shake, for instance, rather than a hamburger. The gonadal type can choose a pituitary-stimulating piece of fruit instead of the gonad-stimulating ribs, and the pituitary type can alter his metabolism in a more favorable direction with an adrenal-stimulating hamburger instead of that pituitary-stimulating shake. All that's necessary is for you to understand the type of metabolism you have, and give yourself what you need-not what you crave. You need to learn to trade your 'drug' for an actual food. Did you identify your body? Next, The Body Type Windows Of Vulnerability.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Food Cravings and Your Metabolism

All right, but what is it about the metabolism that makes us want one food over another? It's the fact that we use food not just for nourishment but for its mind-altering effects. What each of us is looking for in food is a particular change in our state of mind. We want the food that wil make us feel both calmer and more awake. We've all had the experience of eating more than we really want; what's usually going on is that we keep putting food into our mouth, hoping to find the food that will make us feel really good-tranquil but alert, awake and yet calm. What is the relationships between the biochemistry of food, the state of the brain, and the psychological effects we actually experience? This idea, in fact, helps explain not just why we eat things we 'know' we shouldn't, but why we do any number of actions that we also 'know' are unhealthy. Each body type, then, is looking for this state of restful alertness from food. But, characteristically, each type of metabolism is set up to create restful alertness in itself by a particular set of biochemical reactions. Next: how to get restful alertness from food for each body type.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Reality Of The Body Type

Your glands are the basis of your body type. Yet the glandular system is so intergrated into your whole system that it is a reflection of your body type, not its actual cause. The choice to use the dominant gland as a way of describing your body type, but the reality of your body type goes beyond the dominant gland. You aren't an adrenal type because you happen to have terrific adrenals; rather, you have a certain style of metabolism, and strong adrenals are just part of your metabolic style. The dominant gland is the signpost, rather than the cause, of your body type. The true reason why you have one body type rather than another is probably genetic-that is, you were born with the tendencies of your type. If you have observed signs of body-type distinction even in little babies , before a difference in diet or environment would have had a chance to influence it(at that age they drink only milk, anyway). As to why different body types exist, the answer is speculative. The four body types give the impression of being variations of the same basic machinery, perhaps designed for slightly different purposes. Or they may be four possible responses to changes in the environment, which became encoded in the genes over time. In any case, the value of knowing your body type is not in knowing why you happen to be a pituitary type or an adrenal type, but what it means to be one, and how to use your given machinery in the best possible way. Next: Food Cravings and Your Metabolism


Your body type is basically a description of your body's style of functioning, as looked from the angle of your strongest and most active gland. Men and women are divided into body types differently: Men have three body types, the adrenal type, thyroid type, and pituitary type. Women have four types: the same adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary types, and a fourth, the gonadal type. Since only women are gonadal types, the dominant gland of the G-type is the female sex gland, the ovaries. In men, the sex glands are the testes but they do not produce a separate body type .Instead, they work in concert with the adrenal glands, so that a man who is an adrenal type could be called an adrenal /gonadal type. Each of the types has characteristics that are easy to pick out. Some of the easiest to use are body shape, location of any extra weight, food preferences, and energy ''highs and lows'' throughout the day. Just to give you an idea how it works, here are some quick characteristics of each body type: it is called Personal Metabolic Inventory(PMI) a self-test to find your own body type. If you are tall, long-limbed, and fine-boned, put on weight in a, jelly roll, or midriff bulge, love starches and sweets, and tend to work in very intense spurts followed by periods of exhaustion, you are probably a thyroid type. Suppose you are solid and muscular, put on a 'beer belly', love meat and potatoes, and can work all day on a few hours' sleep at night. You're probably an adrenal type. Say you have a child's body and a slightly big head, put on 'baby fat' all over your body , love dairy products and fruit, and tend to spend more time thinking about work than working , If so, you're probably a pituitary type. Finally, if you're a woman who is much smaller above the waist than below, who puts on every extra pound in the rear end, loves creamy and spicy food, and has calm, steady energy throught out the day, you're probably a gonadal type. NEXT: The Reality Of The Body Type


Your body type is basically a description of your body's style of functioning, as looked from the angle of your strongest and most active gland. Men and women are divided into body types differently: Men have three body types, the adrenal type, thyroid type, and pituitary type. Women have four types: the same adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary types, and a fourth, the gonadal type. Since only women are gonadal types, the dominant gland of the G-type is the female sex gland, the ovaries. In men, the sex glands are the testes but they do not produce a separate body type .Instead, they work in concert with the adrenal glands, so that a man who is an adrenal type could be called an adrenal /gonadal type. Each of the types has characteristics that are easy to pick out. Some of the easiest to use are body shape, location of any extra weight, food preferences, and energy ''highs and lows'' throughout the day. Just to give you an idea how it works, here are some quick characteristics of each body type: it is called Personal Metabolic Inventory(PMI) a self-test to find your own body type. If you are tall, long-limbed, and fine-boned, put on weight in a, jelly roll, or midriff bulge, love starches and sweets, and tend to work in very intense spurts followed by periods of exhaustion, you are probably a thyroid type. Suppose you are solid and muscular, put on a 'beer belly', love meat and potatoes, and can work all day on a few hours' sleep at night. You're probably an adrenal type. Say you have a child's body and a slightly big head, put on 'baby fat' all over your body , love dairy products and fruit, and tend to spend more time thinking about work than working , If so, you're probably a pituitary type. Finally, if you're a woman who is much smaller above the waist than below, who puts on every extra pound in the rear end, loves creamy and spicy food, and has calm, steady energy throught out the day, you're probably a gonadal type. NEXT: The Reality Of The Body Type

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Power Of Intense Belief

It is a law of life that belief attracts to it all the elements which make its realization possible. You can not succeed with out radiating assurance- because radiating assurance is the outer expression of your inner belief. Your conscious mind is the management which decides what the manufacturing plant-your sub conscious mind shall make your life. Your conscious mind-the management-gives instructions to your subconscious mind-the manufacturing plant-through intense belief. The more constantly and intensely the belief is held in your conscious mind, the more rapidly and exactly your sub-conscious mind will produce-materialize- it in your life. Your subconcious mind does not reason, it accepts with out question, the instructions of your conscious mind and converts instructions into realities. The infinite mind is the power plant with all the power necessary to convert your intense belief into reality. When properly called upon the infinite mind will supply what ever is needed to fulfill your intense belief. Whatever the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Art of Marriage

A good marriage must be created. In the marriage the little things are the big things. It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say 'i love you' at least once a day. It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives. It is standing together and facing the world. It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is only marrying the right person. It is being the right partner.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Desire and Delight of a True Friendship

"In true frienship i give myself to my friend more than i endeavor to attract him to me. I am not only better pleased in doing him service than if he incur benefit upon me but more over i would rather he should do himself good than me good." We define a friend as one who wishes and does what is good for the sake of his friend as one who wishes his friend to exist and to live for his own sake, which is what Mothers wish for their children and as one who grieves with and rejoices with his friend.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Reasons For Association

Men value three things. They value things for their utility, they value things as pleasant or as sources of pleasure, and they value things for their intrinsic excellence, they value them as they are honorable or admirable. And there are two kind of conversation. The first kind is on the emotional or personal level. This is what is call heart to heart talk. The other kind of conversation is called mind to mind talk about basic issues and fundamental ideas. Online business? Fundamental?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Easy to miss the mark but difficult to hit it

I speak of moral virtue, as it is moral virtue which is concerned with emotions and actions, and it is these which admit of excess and deficiency and the mean. Thus it is possible to go too far, or not to go far enough, in respect of fear, courage, desire, anger, pity, and pleasure and pain generrally and the excess and the efficiency are a like wrong, but to experience these emotions at the right times and on the right occasions and towards the right persons and for the right causes and in the right manner is the mean or the supreme good, which is characteristic of virtue. But virtue is concerned with emotions and actions, and here excess is an error and deficiency a fault, where as the mean successful and laudable, and success and merit are both characteristic of virtue. We never find people who are deficient in regard to pleasure accordingly such people again have not received a name, but we may call them insensible.

Beyond Limitation

When you are inspired by great purpose, some extra ordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, you find yourself in a new great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. One can only test his ability by interacting and socializing with different people from divers background and to me that is what is networking about.

To bring one's self to a frame of mind for accomplishment

The mere possession of a vision is not the same as living it, nor can we encourage others with it, if we do not understand and follow its truths. The pattern of the great spirit is over us all, but if we follow our own spirits from within, our patterns becomes clearer. For centuries, others have sought their visions. They prepare themselves, so that if the creator desires them to know their life's purpose, then a vision would be revealed. To be blessed with visions is not enough......we must live them! Great success quote's from, High Eagle.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Our Era of High-tech

Civilization is the process in which one gradually increases the number of people included in the term 'we' or 'us' and at the same time decreases those labled 'you' or 'them' until that category has no one left in it, Howard Winters. Do you agree? Are we there? If you were all alone in the universe with no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life which gives your life meaning. This is harmony, we must discover the joy each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth, MITSUGI SAOTOME.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Beyond self- A call to the living

Indeed, to some extent it has always been necessary and proper for a man in his thinking, to divide things up, if we tried to deal with whole of reality at once, we should be swamped. However when this mode of thought is applied more broadly to man's notion of himself and the whole world in which he lives( his world-view) then man ceases to regard the resultant divisions as merely useful or convienient and begins to see and experiences himself and this world as actually constituted of separately existing fragments. What is needed is a relativistic theory, to give up altogether the notion that the world is constituted of basic objects or building blocks. Rather one has to view the world in terms of universal flux of events and processes. Great words from, David Bohm.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Diversity in oneness

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free our selves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. THANKS Alot, A.EINSTEIN.