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Monday, March 22, 2010

Getting Restful Alertness Without Stimulation

All of the four people in the restaurant were affected by the experience of the stressful meeting, and the stress had affected them in characteristic ways. It made the P-type feel spaced-out and anxious; the T-type was nervous and irritable; the A-type felt aggravated and ready to jump down someone's throat, and the G-type felt vaguely frustrated. Naturally, they all wanted to get back to restful alertness- but the way they chose to do it, through stimulating their dominant gland, was totally wrong. What you don't need, in this situation, is more stress to your system. And eating foods which stimulate your dominant gland(a gland that is already tired from the stress of the meeting), is not at all helpful. What you can do, instead, is to choose foods that nourish and gently stimulate a different gland, not your dominant one, so that your system improves in balance and receives less stress. The thyroid type could get to the state of mind he wants more effectively by choosing an adrenal stimulant-an egg sandwich, for instance-rather than a thyroid stimulant like coffee and a sweet. Instead of pumping up his dominant thyroid for one more push, he could stimulate his adrenals in a gentle way to give him steadier energy throughout the afternoon. The adrenal type can do the same thing by choosing a pituitary stimulant instead of an adrenal stimulant-a milk shake, for instance, rather than a hamburger. The gonadal type can choose a pituitary-stimulating piece of fruit instead of the gonad-stimulating ribs, and the pituitary type can alter his metabolism in a more favorable direction with an adrenal-stimulating hamburger instead of that pituitary-stimulating shake. All that's necessary is for you to understand the type of metabolism you have, and give yourself what you need-not what you crave. You need to learn to trade your 'drug' for an actual food. Did you identify your body? Next, The Body Type Windows Of Vulnerability.

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