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Friday, March 19, 2010

The Power Of Intense Belief

It is a law of life that belief attracts to it all the elements which make its realization possible. You can not succeed with out radiating assurance- because radiating assurance is the outer expression of your inner belief. Your conscious mind is the management which decides what the manufacturing plant-your sub conscious mind shall make your life. Your conscious mind-the management-gives instructions to your subconscious mind-the manufacturing plant-through intense belief. The more constantly and intensely the belief is held in your conscious mind, the more rapidly and exactly your sub-conscious mind will produce-materialize- it in your life. Your subconcious mind does not reason, it accepts with out question, the instructions of your conscious mind and converts instructions into realities. The infinite mind is the power plant with all the power necessary to convert your intense belief into reality. When properly called upon the infinite mind will supply what ever is needed to fulfill your intense belief. Whatever the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve.

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